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Family Information

Healthy Food

In the interests of Wellbeing, St Peter's Kindergarten promote healthy lifestyles for everyone in our community. Our Healthy Eating Policy encourages nutritional food choices for children's packed snacks and lunches, water, and sustainable wrappers and containers. â€‹


As we have children at the service with allergies, we ask that no nuts or nut products be brought into the service. 

Sun screen

We are a SunSmart Kindergarten. We ask that families apply sunscreen on their child before bringing them to kinder. Staff will support children in reapplying sunscreen throughout the day, in line with our SunSmart policy.

Working with children check

As St Peter's Kindergarten is a Child Safe environment, all parents are expected to complete a 'Working With Children Check to participate in various volunteering opportunities during their child's time at kinder. Please see this form for instructions.

If you need more information, please contact your class rep via the whatsapp group.

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