St Peter's Kindergarten Volunteer Committee

SPK is a place where families are valued and their involvement is encouraged. The Kindergarten is managed by a volunteer committee of management.  There is a variety of roles that need volunteers to assist us, with parents and staff working together to ensure the smooth running of the Kindergarten for the children and families who attend.

Committee Positions include:

  • Vice-President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Enrolments Officer
  • Communications Officer
  • Maintenance Officer
  • Events Officer
  • Grants Officer
  • Class Representatives (1-2 each group)

By taking on a committee role during your time at St Peter’s Kindergarten, you are contributing to the operational management of the kindergarten.  The Committee is also a very rewarding way of sharing the Kindergarten experience with your child during their time with us.

Working Bees

Under the guidance of our Maintenance Officer, once per term SPK has working bees where we invite parents to volunteer their time, which is usually fo 2-3 hours on a Saturday morning to complete tasks such as refilling sand and softfall, minor repairs, sometimes painting, maintenance and cleaning of equipment are undertaken.  Without volunteer participation, the completion of many of these tasks would not fall within our scope of budget.

All volunteer contributions are highly valued and a cost saving for the kinder.

Parent Helper

At SPK we offer classroom helper options during the year, with a roster set up to enable all families to participate. Please see your child’s teacher regarding specific details of this.

We are so grateful for all of the parent help we have had over the years, and it is such a wonderful way of being involved at kinder with your child.

Being a child safe organisation, SPK requires all family volunteers to provide a copy of a current Working With Children's Check. Whether you are helping on the Committee, at kinder, on excursions or working bees, SPK will always require current WWCC from our teams of volunteers. To apply for your WWCC, please go to: